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Anti-wrinkle injections are the non-surgical approach to softening dynamic wrinkles and creating a glowing complexion. Anti-wrinkle treatment entails micro-injections of purified protein muscle relaxant are injected into the relevant muscles. Within 2 weeks the muscle relaxant blocks the chemical signal from the brain to the muscle, resulting in lesser contractions. This reduces fine lines and wrinkles, leaving the skin looking glowing and rejuvenated.


Sit upright for 4 hours

Sleep on your back for 2 nights


Avoid touching the area for 24 hours


Gentle skin care routine for 48 hours

Avoid exercise and excessive heat for 24 hours


Avoid skin treatments for 14 days

Take Paracetamol for any discomfort and headaches


The full effect of muscle relaxants can take up to 14 days (4 weeks for Masseter Muscle). If you need additional dosing, please book a 2 week follow up

Unsuitable for Anti Wrinkle

Under the age of 18

Pregnant, breastfeeding or trying to conceive


Medical Professional believes treatment not suitable


Tetanus Vaccination within the last 4 weeks




Frown lines


Crow’s feet


Bunny lines


Eyebrow lift


Lip flip


Gummy smile




Masseter Muscle

(Jaw slimming/ teeth grinding)



(Platysmal bands)



(turned down smile)



(Excessive Sweating)


Dermal filler is used to enhance facial contour, restore volume, smooth and soften lines, improve scar appears, improve asymmetries and overall facial balance. With a combination of natural aging, environmental factors and lifestyle over time our bodies natural hyaluronic acid, collagen, fat pads and skin elasticity decrease. Using dermal filler to hydrate and restore volume can give a rejuvenated, more youthful appearance.


Dermal filler results can be seen immediately however swelling and bruising with be present. You can expect to see full results around four weeks post treatment. Depending on the filler type, area, amount used and the individual patient, results from dermal filler can last between 6 months - 2 years.

Dermal Filler
Pre Appointment Care

Nil alcohol consumption 24 hour prior to appointment

Nil fish oil for 2 weeks if approved by medical professional

Avoid blood thinning medications for 24 hours if approved by medical professional (including Aspirin and Ibuprofen)

Nil dental weeks 4 weeks pre and post treatment

Unsuitable for Dermal Filler

Under the age of 18

Pregnant, breastfeeding or trying to conceive


Recent Covid-19 infection (must be 2 weeks negative)


Recent Covid-19 vaccination (2 weeks)

Generally unwell or recently on antibiotics

Facial dermal injury or condition present


Cold sore present

Medical Professional believes treatment not suitable





Chin Projection or Elongation


Mental Crease (chin crease)


Tear Trough (under eye)


Nasolabial Folds


Marionette Folds


Accordion Lines





Dermal Filler Dissolving

Most dermal filler can be dissolved

Swelling and Bruising

Post dermal filler treatment it is common to notice swelling, bruising, asymmetry, and tenderness. These side effects will resolve over the next 3-14 days. Any asymmetries that persist please book in for a 4 week follow up.


10 minutes per hour of cold compress can be used to help reduce swelling and bruising. Arnica cream can aid in reducing bruising Antihistamines can aid in swelling reduction

To Avoid

Excessive heats and sweating for 48 hours

Alcohol, blood thinners and fish oil 48-day post treatment


Make-up for 12 hours

Dental procedures for 2 weeks

Vaccines for 2 weeks

Skin treatments for 14 days

To Do

For any tenderness take Paracetamol

Gentle skin care routine (nil Retinol, AHAs or BHAs)

Massage lips as per instructions in appointment. Avoid massaging for 1 week during the healing phase. If any lumps persist after 4 weeks, please book a follow up.

Take an antiviral if you are prone to cold sores

Contact  the Clinic

If you need a 4 week, follow up

If you notice any discolouration (pale), severe pain, excessive bruising or swelling


If you notice any signs of infection


Commonly know as the Vampire Facial, PRP uses your own blood to improve firmness, texture and overall skin quality. By separating the blood and extracting the PRP (aka Liquid Gold) it is then injected back into your face. This concentrated goodness secretes high levels of growth factors resulting in wound healing and improved skin elasticity, texture and volume. PRP is a great asset to your annual skin care routine if you are wanting to target premature fine line, sun damage or uneven skin tone.

PRP Injections

Improve Skin Texture


Firms and tightens skins


Lightens dark circles


Promotes new cell growth and repair


Stimulates the production of collagen

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